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Holiday accident means father-of-two will never work again

Posted in: Accidents and Sickness Abroad Leg Injuries Public Place Accidents 

Doctors have informed 46-year-old Des Jarvis that he will never work again following a waterslide accident that happened when he was on holiday in Turkey. The father-of-two from Peterborough has been left with one leg shorter than the other following multiple operations to save his leg. The accident happened when Mr Jarvis catapulted into the wall of a swimming pool after coming down a waterslide in the family resort. He broke his leg in six places and required five operations to save the bone from infection.

The operations involved doctors having to break the leg in three places before fitting eighteen metal pins and rods.  His right leg is two inches shorter as a result of the operations as surgeons had to remove part of his tibia. Two years after the accident happened, the window-fitter has been told he will never work again. 

Still fighting for compensation

…my life is now is a constant battle against pain and emotion … And to add insult to injury have been told that I will never be able to go back and do the job I love. It’s all I have known for 24 years and now its over.

Mr Jarvis said that he is still fighting the travel company First Choice for the compensation he deserves. A spokeswoman for First Choice said that their legal team is currently in direct contact with Mr Jarvis’ solicitors.

If you have been involved in an accident abroad, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.  


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