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Asbestos Claims solicitors Wakefield, lung cancer claims, mesothelioma

Family receive mesothelioma compensation for deceased electrician

Posted in: Asbestos Exposure Employer Negligence Industrial Deafness and Disease Mesothelioma 

The family of 85-year-old former electrician, Henry Smith, has secured substantial compensation after his death from mesothelioma in 2014. Mr Smith had worked for a Coventry electrical company for 43 years and for the first 16 years of his employ, had worked in factories where the staff handled asbestos. Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related disease that caused Mr Smith’s lung cancer leading to his death.

Mr Smith, who retired in 1992, first consulted doctors 12 years after his retirement complaining of pains in his shoulder. When tests confirmed that he was suffering from asbestos-related lung disease, he instigated a claim for compensation.  r Smith died of his illness before investigations were completed, however his family continued with his claim against Mr Smith’s former employer. 

“he wasn’t even able to leave the house”

His son, Mike, explained how upsetting it was that his father had lost his life following years of dedicated service to his ex-employer. He described his father as having been fit and healthy, and dedicated to helping projects in the local community in his capacity as an electrician after his retirement. He stated: “…but within months of diagnosis he wasn’t even able to leave his house”. He went on to describe how traumatic the experience had been for his family and added: “It makes things easier knowing that my mother is financially stable as she comes to terms with our loss”.

If you’ve suffered from asbestos because of your workplace, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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