Pages On: Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos is an extremely hazardous material that can cause devastating damage to the lungs of anyone unlucky and to inhale it. Fortunately, Asbestos is harmless if not disturbed. However, many professionals have been forced to work with Asbestos in roles such as shipbuilding, electricians, and roofers. Where proper training is not provided, or the right personal protective equipment — as it is a heavily regulated industry — then your employer is liable for putting you at risk. Asbestos exposure can result in a myriad of lung diseases, such as Asbestosis and Mesothelioma, both of which are often fatal. If you have suffered from Asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Family receive mesothelioma compensation for deceased electrician
Posted: 22 March 2016
Posted in: Asbestos Exposure, Employer Negligence, Industrial Deafness and Disease, Mesothelioma
The family of 85-year-old former electrician, Henry Smith, has secured substantial compensation after his death from mesothelioma in 2014. Mr Smith had worked for a Coventry electrical company for 43 years and for the first 16 years of his employ, had worked in factories where the staff handled asbestos. Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related disease that caused Mr Smith’s lung cancer leading to his death. Mr Smith, who retired in 1992, first consulted doctors 12 years after his retirement complaining of pains in his shoulder. When tests confirmed that he was suffering from asbestos-related…
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Asbestos and Mesothelioma Compensation
Posted in: Asbestos Exposure, Industrial Deafness and Disease, Mesothelioma
Until the danger of asbestos was realised, it was used in the construction of houses and buildings for many years, as a form of insulation and to prevent fires. Indeed, asbestos that is well maintained does not pose a direct risk, but it becomes dangerous when the fibres become damaged and may float in the air, and be breathed in. Asbestosis and mesothelioma are examples of illnesses caused by asbestos exposure. Pleural thickening, lung cancer and pleural plaques are other types of lung disease which can also be provoked by…
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