Pelvic and Hip Injury Compensation

Pelvic or hip injuries can be very painful and can be very uncomfortable. The pelvic is located at the base of the spine and its purposes is to transfer weight and energy when walking, running, sitting and so on. Men and women have different pelvic bones but they can be injured just as easily as each other’s and when this happens you can make a compensation claim against the negligent party if they owed you a duty of care, which many people do, for example road users to other road users and doctors to their patients.

Injuries to the pelvic bone can occur in a number of ways from playing sports to a slip, trip or fall. The consequences of a hip or pelvic injury can be severe and could leave the victim in a wheelchair or needing crutches. As a result a victim of a hip injury can make a compensation claim not only for the physical injury but also for any consequential loss which will typically include loss of income, damage to property, travel expenses and medical bills.

Make a Claim for a Pelvic/Hip Injury

The actual amount of compensation you can claim following an injury to the pelvic or your hip will depend on how serious the injury is, whilst taking into account government guidelines and the amount of compensation that has been awarded in previously decided cases on similar facts. All compensation will be paid out by the negligent party’s insurance company.

If you would like to make a compensation claim following a pelvic or hip injury then you should speak to one of our specialist personal injury solicitors Wakefield who will deal with your case on a no win no fee* basis. This means that you are only liable for your fees if your claim is successful and in any event this will be paid out by the negligent party’s insurance company. You should ensure that our personal injury solicitors Wakefield are instructed on your case well within three years of the date of the accident that resulted in the injury otherwise you may be time barred from bringing a claim.

Pelvic/Hip Compensation Claims Solicitors Wakefield

Call us on 01924 961 567^ or if you would like to contact us online please complete our enquiry form

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