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Tracy Morgan still recovering from brain injury after car crash

Posted in: Car Accidents Head and Brain Injuries Leg Injuries Road Traffic Accidents Wrongful & Accidental Death 

46-year-old comedian Tracy Morgan is still recovering from a serious car crash he was involved in five months ago. The accident happened in New Jersey in June when a ‘speeding’ Walmart truck slammed into the back of his vehicle. Those involved were taken immediately to hospital, but Mr Morgan’s friend and fellow comedian James McNair was sadly killed in the crash. Three others were severely injured.

Immediately after the accident Morgan was taken straight to hospital with several serious injuries including a broken leg, a broken nose and broken ribs. Five months after the accident happened, however, Morgan is still recovering from a ‘traumatic’ brain injury. He originally underwent several weeks of rehab, but now continues to receive treatment for his brain, including daily speech, cognitive, vocational and physical therapies.

Hearing re-scheduled for mid-december

The Walmart truck driver, Kevin Roper, was charged with death by auto and four counts of assault by auto in state court. He recently filed to have Mr Morgan’s lawsuit delayed while the case proceeds. A hearing has been rescheduled for mid-December. 

Walmart raised the point that the extent of the victims’ injuries was partly to do with the fact that they were not wearing seatbelts.

It was highlighted in an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board that Mr Roper had been driving 65mph before slamming into Mr Morgan’s vehicle. The speed limit on that road had been lowered from 55mph to 45mph that evening due to construction works. The case continues.

If you have been affected by a road traffic accident, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us. 


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