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dangerous dog bite attack personal injury solicitors Wakefield

Family pet attacks blind man and his guide dog

Posted in: Animal Attacks Hand Injuries 

A family dog has been issued a ‘suspended death sentence’ after it attacked a blind man and his guide dog last year.  The Staffordshire terrier and Boxer cross, Sally, attacked James Garry and his German Shepherd, Jack, in June last year, leaving them both with puncture injuries. An expert from Guide Dogs Cymru examined Jack (aged 4) after the traumatic attack to make sure he was still a fit companion for Mr Garry.

45-year-old Michael Squire, a police worker from Old Colwyn, admitted to owning a dangerously out of control dog that caused injury. He was ordered to pay Mr Garry £500 in compensation, a £150 fine and a fee of £245 for the guide dog expert to examine Jack. Furthering this, he was also ordered to pay £85 in prosecution costs and a surcharge, leaving the total bill paid out by Mr Squire at £1,000.

“She’s a very soft dog”

It was heard that the attack happened when Mr Squire and his family had been hosting a barbeque. Sally escaped from the garden, barking and growling at Mr Garry and his guide dog. When Sally went to attack Jack, Mr Garry bent down to protect him and was bitten on the hand as a result. He was left with a deep wound and required antibiotics and pain killers.

Mr Squire apologised for the behaviour of his dog, saying it was completely out of character for Sally to attack anyone. He added: “She’s a very soft dog, never in trouble before with anything like this. She hasn’t any kind of aggression in her whatever, especially towards people.

Sally will now have to remain muzzled and on a lead in public at all times, or she will face destruction.

If you have suffered an injury from a dog bite, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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