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Health watchdog reports ‘shocking’ care for vulnerable patients

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

A health watchdog has uncovered a number of ‘shocking’ care cases, as presented by a recently released report. Healthwatch Oxfordshire produced a report with Age UK, based on 161 patients and 57 staff members completing questionnaires, as well as 6 focus groups and 10 case studies. The report found a number of worrying care cases, with Healthwatch Oxfordshire noting “workforce pressures” as a major contributory factor.

The report found that where the majority of patients were treated at an adequate care standard, patients with communication difficulties and dementia felt particularly let down by their care. One patient who had suffered a stroke, the report noted, was left for hours in her own excrement. She said: “I was sedated and my health needs were neglected.

Ignored by nurses and left “soaked, dirty”

One woman’s mother-in-law, who suffered with Alzheimers, was ignored by nurses and left “soaked, dirty”. Another patient with trigeminal neuralgia was also left “unclean” by staff and in too much pain to wash herself. The report noted that a small number of cases such as this raised proof of “shocking” care.

Despite this, 93% of patients said they were treated with dignity “some of the time”, “most of the time” or “always”. Healthwatch chief executive Rachel Coney said that there was “still much that can be improved about how people are treated”.

The report said that the county’s care organisations have made improvement commitments, including reviewing staff training, drawing up formal dignity standards and involving patients more in decision making.

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