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dog attack dog bites personal injury solicitors Wakefield

Family dog bites two-year-old girl

Posted in: Animal Attacks Head and Brain Injuries Leg Injuries 

A toddler has been transferred to a Sheffield children’s hospital following a dog attack. The incident occurred shortly after 10am on Tuesday in Rawmarsh, Rotherham, despite the rottweiler being on a lead at the time. The dog attack caused the two-year-old serious head injury and leg injuries, after which she was taken directly to Rotherham district general hospital by ambulance. She has since been moved to Sheffield children’s hospital.

Police said that the dog was on the lead with a girl and woman at the time of the attack, and is believed to be a ‘family pet’. The dog has now been taken to a secure kennel facility while police process the incident and investigate the circumstances of the, particularly unusual, attack. 

Government proposals for life sentence

Tuesday, the day of the attack, also saw an announcement of government proposals concerning the revised jail sentences for dangerous dog owners. The proposals encourage a life sentence for owners of killer dogs after a number of families have pressurised the government to enforce tougher sentences.

Michael Anderson’s stepdaughter, Jade Lomas-Anderson, was mauled to death by four dogs while visiting the home of a friend in March; however, no prosecutions were carried out seeing as the attack happened on private ground. He said: “It’s a bigger problem than most people think it is. Nearly a quarter of a million dog attacks last year alone, 6,500 hospitalised – there’s a bigger picture.

16 people have been killed by dogs in the UK (including Jade) since 2005: suggesting that more needs to be done.

If you have sustained a personal injury due to an animal attack, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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