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Children ill from coach fumes

Posted in: Public Transport Road Traffic Accidents 

Over ten children have fallen ill after dangerous fumes were released into a coach, in which they were travelling, while on a church trip. The children were on their way to a campsite in Newton, mid Wales, when police and ambulances were called to a service station in Shewsbury, Shropshire.

The accident happened on Friday evening, with 8 adults and 49 children affected. Of those on the coach, 13 children, aged between 14 and 17, required medical treatment by ambulance staff at the scene. None of the children required hospital treatment.

Since the accident earlier this week, police have seized the coach for examination. The Health and Safety Executive has also been informed of the incident, as well as the parents of the affected children. 

Coughing and difficulty breathing

A similar incident happened earlier this year when a woman inhaled dangerous fumes from a faulty boiler in her house in Rostrevor, County Down. Fire crews and breathing equipment were sent to her house before she was taken directly to hospital.

Inhaling dangerous fumes initially causes throat irritation and a sore mouth. Yet when the substance reaches the lungs, symptoms include a tight chest, coughing and difficulty breathing.

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