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Aircrews affected by contaminated air launch personal injury claims

Posted in: Employer Negligence Industrial Deafness and Disease Public Transport 

Airline crew members, from numerous different British airlines, have launched around 17 civil cases concerning ill health caused by contaminated air. Airline crew members continue to come forward, claiming that they suffer with Aerotoxic Syndrome – an illness caused by exposure to contaminated air in aircrafts.

Earlier this year, in April, UNITE opened a helpline for worried aircraft employees following increased concerns amongst workers about air quality standards. The union, which represents 20,000 crew members, announced at the beginning of the month that 17 crew members had taken up civil cases. A spokesperson from the union said that they expected more people to come forward in the coming months.

167 cases of toxic cabin fumes

Where the airline industry has always claimed that poor air quality has no long-term health effects, official figures released earlier this year revealed that 167 cases of toxic cabin fumes had been reported within the space of only 4 months. In the worst case, eleven members of cabin crew fell ill during the flight, suffering with nausea, light-headedness and symptoms of ‘sea-sickness’.

Last month UNITE called for a public inquiry to be launched into the health effects of aircraft fumes. Len McCluskey, UNITE’s general secretary, said that more had to be done to understand the illnesses caused by contaminated air on aircrafts. He said that all aircrafts should be forced to monitor their air quality during all flights.

If you have suffered an illness or injury at work, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.  


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