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Woman sues NHS for father’s head injury in dementia care

Posted in: Head and Brain Injuries Medical Negligence NHS Claims 

The daughter of a man who was left with a serious head injury whilst in care has sued the NHS. 76-year-old Ivor Betteridge was being treated for severe dementia in a mental health centre when a male health care assistant used physical restraint against him, causing him to suffer a serious head injury. 43-year-old Tracy Betteridge won over £3,600 in compensation from the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

It was heard from one nurse that the agency health care assistant, who has since been suspended, pushed Mr Betteridge, while another nurse said that Mr Betteridge simply stumbled and fell. The incident happened in February 2013 when nurses had been trying to wash him. Mr Betteridge had several incidents of violence against staff noted on his record, but the report stated that no care plan had been drawn up to manage his violence. He died in March 2014.

“another statistic that falls off the face of the planet”

Miss Betteridge said that serious changes had to be made in the treatment of dementia sufferers. She said: “If they didn’t have somebody like me who stands their ground, nobody would be any the wiser. My father would be just another statistic that falls off the face of the planet.

May 2014 saw the trust’s clinical case manager, Rose-Anna Lidiard, accept liability for the incident and offered to pay the family £500 in compensation. Miss Betteridge went on to sue the trust, where an agreement of £3,650 in compensation was agreed upon in April.

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