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Window firm fined over employee’s severed finger

Posted in: Employer Negligence Finger Injuries Workplace Injuries 

A Macclesfield window manufacturer has been fined after a workplace accident saw one of its employees had a finger cut off by a rotating saw.

Macclesfield Magistrates’ Court heard that the 26-year-old was positioning a piece of uPVC plastic under the circular blade while it was still running. His left hand came into contact with it and his index finger was severed to below the second knuckle.

The court was told that, in order to keep production moving swiftly, the machine would not be switched off in between cuts. This meant it was common for the unguarded saw blades to be raised and left running while pieces of plastic were placed underneath by hand.

The guard on the blade had also been adjusted to stop it hitting the pieces of plastic as the saw came down, but this meant several inches of the blade were left exposed.

The company was fined £1,000 and ordered to pay £3,342 in costs after admitting a breach of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 by failing to prevent access to dangerous parts of machinery.


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