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Council pays out £1m to injured employees

Posted in: Employer Negligence Finger Injuries Road Traffic Accidents Workplace Injuries Workplace Slip 

Leicestershire County Council has paid out around £1 million to injured employees in the last five years. Figures revealed that the council settled a total of 31 claims from workers between 2009 and 2013. The victims of employer negligence received a total of £418,000, while the council paid out a further £655,000 in legal fees to the lawyers handling their cases. During that same time period, a total of 76 unsuccessful claimants sued the authority.

Claims included one individual who sliced off the tips of two fingers on a manhole cover – they received £7,239.  Another claimant was a secondary school teacher who ruptured tendons after slipping on dust that had gathered on the floor of the school’s sports hall. They received £7,735 in compensation, but legal fees amounted to around £87,000.

£1,500 for psychological injuries

The largest payout was made in 2009 where a highway worker won £113,000 after suffering life-changing injuries when he was hit by a lorry while line painting off the A47. Another highway worker received £1,500 for psychological injuries having witnessed the accident.

A County Hall spokesman said that all of the individual cases were thoroughly investigated, he continued: “Where we have been negligent payments are made.”

It was reported last week that employee claims between 2009 and 2013 had cost the city council almost £2million.

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